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“The Slap Wasn’t Too Hard to Knock Out Nobat Events’ Teeth,” Weasel’s Mother Speaks Out

"The Slap Wasn’t Too Hard to Knock Out Nobat Events’ Teeth," Weasel’s Mother Speaks Out

Singer Weasel Manizo real name Douglas Mayanja’s mother Prossy Mayanja has called out Nobat Events for lying about the son.

Mrs Mayanja said that everyone who watched the video saw that it went that hard which means that it couldn’t cause any damage to the events promoter Nobat.

But it surprised her when he came out and claimed that her son Weasel had knocked out his front teeth.

Prossy Mayanja said that the music industry is very hard to understand as not all that is said is true.

Mrs. Mayanja revealed that her sons might not be the best but the other stakeholders want to take advantage of them all the time.

“It is very shocking that the slap Weasel gave Nobat Events left him toothless. It wasn’t a blow but just a slap and up to now I can’t believe that anything like that happened. The music industry is funny but I am old I don’t understand everything,” Mrs Mayanja defended her son.